
Marriage is Bliss

I've been married for 6 months now and realize just how much my life has changed. And definitely for the better...

As I sit here in bed under my heated blanket, I hear the sounds of 4 screaming sports fans coming from my living room. Adam wanted to have the guys from work over to watch the Ohio State vs. Michigan basketball game and being the wonderful wife I am, I told him that I didn't mind. Compromise is something that I've gotten better at and besides, I know I can't have him to myself all the time!

It's funny how you find things you never thought before to be exciting suddenly are. Take the other night for example...

I am always cold. It doesn't matter how many layers I have on, I'm still cold. Plus, our house has felt extremely drafty here lately because of the frigid temperatures outside. Well, our house has these floor vents that are of no use to us. We went around and felt them the other night and the drafts that came out of them were ridiculous! So the next day after work, Adam went to Lowe's to buy some insulation. When I got home from work, I watched him install the insulation and alleviate the drafts. I was so excited and felt like we had made our house more efficient. Adam was excited because he accomplished a project and because he knew that it would make me not as cold. Never in a million years would I have thought something like this would have been exciting!

It's great always coming home to someone after work. It's great falling asleep every night with the one you love. (Except for last night, I fell asleep on the couch with both of my kitties...) It's great knowing that for the rest of your life you will have the same best friend. It's great being able to be yourself, say what's on your mind without being judged, and cry about absolutely nothing and not have to explain why. It's great to be loved unconditionally by my husband.

I love you Adam!

1 comment:

Kylee Baumle said...

It's great, as a mom, to hear her daughter say these things. And I know EXACTLY what you mean. :-)